Input/Output Newsletter


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THE IDEA: I’ve always broke the creative process down into parts to see what makes it tick. This newsletter is geared toward helping us surf the ebb and flow of our creative energy, and discover strategies for maintaining and building it up. It will feature a mix of exercises, recommendations for TV/movies/art/writing that have filled up my well, as well as original interviews with creative people working in a variety of fields like comedy, ceramics, illustration, film making, late night, maybe architecture? Do people have that job for real or is it just a career in rom-coms?

THE PROCESS: Over the past 4 years, I’ve been tracking my creative input/output in a very simple Google sheet, and it’s done more to change my writing practice than anything else I’ve tried.

Here’s a version you can make a copy of and fill in on your own. Just click “File” and then “Make a Copy” to store your version in your drive.